Speeches that will empower your day

These are the Top10 TED Talks that will change your life.

Lex Sánchez Torres
4 min readApr 8, 2022
Photo by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash

Haven’t you ever had one of those days where you’re unmotivated and don’t feel like doing anything; things like watching Netflix, exercising, going out with friends, little or no one knows? If so, because surely there’s an occasion when some of us have felt this way, here are 10 TED Talks that will skyrocket your motivation and inspiration. There are people who “heal wounds” with the power and conviction of their words and manage to restore your confidence in humanity…

TED #1: Do schools kill creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson makes a compelling case for building an educational system that encourages (rather than discourages) innovation.
February 2006 | 72M views

TED #2: Your body language may shape who you are

Body language has an impact on how others see us, but it may also have an impact on how we perceive ourselves. Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist, claims that “power posing,” or standing in a confident stance even when we don’t feel confident, can raise confidence and improve our odds of success.
June 2012 | 64M views

TED #3: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Tim Urban knows that procrastination makes no sense, yet he’s never been able to break his tendency of putting things off until the last minute. Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes, and periods of looking out the window in this entertaining and enlightening lecture, encouraging us to think harder about what we’re truly procrastinating on before we run out of time.
February 2016 | 60M views

TED #4: How exceptional leaders motivate others to take action

Starting with a golden circle and the question, “Why?” Simon Sinek offers a simple yet effective model for inspirational leadership. Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Wright Brothers are among his examples…
September 2009 | 58M views

TED #5: The next outbreak? We’re not ready

Thousands of devoted health professionals, as well as some really good luck, helped the world avert a worldwide Ebola pandemic in 2014. We now know what we should have done differently. So, Bill Gates thinks, now is the moment to put all of our excellent ideas into action, from scenario planning to vaccine research to health worker training. “There’s no reason to worry,” he continues, “but we need to get moving.”
March 2015 | 43M views

TED #6: What makes for a happy life? Lessons from the world’s longest happiness study

What makes us happy and healthy as we go about our daily lives? You’re not alone if you believe it’s fame and fortune — but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you’re wrong. Waldinger has extraordinary access to data on actual pleasure and fulfillment as the head of 75-year-old research on adult development. In this session, he discusses three key findings from the research, as well as some tried-and-true advice on how to live a long and happy life.
November 2015 | 41M views

TED #7: The future we’re building — and boring

In an interview with TED’s Head Curator, Chris Anderson, Elon Musk discusses his new project constructing tunnels beneath Los Angeles, the latest from Tesla and SpaceX, and his drive for building a future on Mars.
April 2017 | 28M views

TED #8: The puzzle of motivation

Dan Pink, a career analyst, dives into the mystery of motivation, beginning with a reality that most managers are unaware of: traditional rewards aren’t always as successful as we assume. Listen for enlightening tales — and perhaps a path ahead.
July 2009 | 28M views

TED #9: 10 ways to have a better conversation

When your career depends on how well you communicate with others, you learn a lot about how to converse — and that most of us don’t. Celeste Headlee has spent decades as a radio presenter, and she knows what makes a great conversation: honesty, brevity, clarity, and a good dose of listening. She gives ten helpful tips for having better discussions in this interesting lecture. “Get out there and chat to people,” she advises. “And, most importantly, expect to be blown away.”
May 2015 | 26M views

TED #10: The happy secret to better work

We feel that in order to be happy, we must work hard, but are we thinking about things backwards? Shawn Achor, a psychologist, argues in this fast-paced and hilarious lecture that happiness really motivates us to be more productive.
May 2011 | 24M views

Regardless of your mood, let me know which one of these TED talks influenced or benefited you the most. And if you know of one that isn’t listed here, please send me the URL, so I may include it in the future edition.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. And I hope to see you soon.



Lex Sánchez Torres

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